
Most humans by nature I believe are hopeful beings.  I’ve always considered myself as a glass half full kind of person, I always try to see the positive and if someone is acting in a negative or hostile way, I try to understand why, their circumstance.  While I try, there are certainly times when I fail or sometimes they’re just jerks or the situation is just bad. Something you can’t fix so you I have to let them pass.

The last 12 to 14 months have been a real challenge for me and certainly for the entire world.  While parts of the U.S. seem to be leveling out when it comes to the spread of Covid-19 there are pockets that can only be described as a 4th wave.

Sadly, my friends in the EU and South Africa are seeing a new or continuing wave and are once again in some form of shutdown.  To them, please stay strong.

As warm weather approaches here in Texas we’re also finally doing a good job of getting the vaccine in people’s arms, about 10 million of our approximate 30 million residents have received at least 1 dose of vaccine and sadly another 2.5 million got their immunity the old-fashioned way, they caught and survived Covid-19 and survived so that’s adds to the total population with some antibodies coursing through their veins.

Our case counts here are declining slowly and maybe one can begin to think about doing some things that were once normal.  For me, being outside with my friends and maybe having a burger and beer after a long day’s hike is something that will be happening soon and on a regular basis, I hope.

Last weekend, my mask (a constant companion these days) and I went to REI a local co-op that sells outdoor supplies, it’s sort of my happy place, sad I know.

Anyone who’s hiked with me knows I wear a bandana.  Bandanas are great and serve multiple purposes, they are not just to make me look stylish.  The first bandana that I wore to Spain was named Batik and he decided he needed to stay at the end of the world after my first Camino.

Batik’s brother, Batik II is in the care of a good friend and I live vicariously through him whenever he gets to hike, wherever that may be.  Batik III is alive and well, he goes on all my hikes.

So, in a hopeful mood, I found Batik IV and V.  I didn’t really need two but there was this one lonely fellow sitting there all by himself which is probably why he was on sale so how could I dare leave him?

I can’t wait to take them out for a long hike, I’ll take them both as they’re fraternal twins and one can’t go and another stay, that would be unfair and thoughtless.  As I think about them, I’m hopeful and I find myself smiling.

I haven’t smiled enough these last many months, none of us have probably so, I will continue to smile and look ahead not back.  Me and the boys.