It’s Official

After all this time, discussing the Camino, training for the Camino and more discussing, I received my Official Credential so, I guess I have the blessing of the Catholic Church…I was sweating that.

It’s actually the little things like receiving the credential that have brought me the most joy. This little piece of paper, blank other than my name and where I’m from, will be stamped dozens of times to document and validate my journey across the Camino. Still puzzled as to why it means so much to me.

Los Tres Amigos (Leighton, Ann and Me) did another off the books walk on Saturday, this is 3 weekends in a row for Ann and me. This week we did just under 9 miles around White Rock Lake. One of us, I won’t mention any names, may have had a hang-over but it wasn’t me or Ann.

Once again, we set out together but we allowed our individual paces to set in and it was generally me in the front and Leighton bringing up the rear. We’ve discussed and agreed that there is no expectation for anyone to slow down or speed up. If you want to walk, walk. If you need to rest, rest. Ann has no problem with a steady pace, her only disadvantage is that her legs aren’t as long as others so there’s a natural advantage for me.

Sometimes it is nice just to walk in silence but most of the time, I think we generally like the company of at least one other person, I know that I do.

A friend and teacher at Ben Milam who likes to write told me that I should write something that was private each time I blog, he did this when I volunteered that I was having a problem expressing everything that I wanted to because I consider myself to be a private person. I appreciate his advice.

Considering that, I was concerned that maybe I was not fit enough for this trip, especially the first day over the Pyrenees. Everyone that talks or blogs about it says it’s the toughest day on the Camino. I think I let that get in my head.

After our outing at Cedar Ridge, I pushed myself pretty hard with my pace and I intentionally attacked the climbs to test my cardio, my knees, muscles and mostly my drive. While we did not do 15 miles, my confidence was renewed and I feel that it will not be the beast I’d built it up to be. Check here on May 19th to get the low-down.

I tried to walk with a full pack yesterday, I was carrying 3L of water so that was 6.6 lbs. of water on top of my pack and equipment at about 14 lbs. I could definitely feel the extra weight but I grew accustomed to it and as I consumed the water, I lost the weight. Except for a few legs of the Camino, I don’t plan on carrying more than 2 L of water…1 L = 1Kg or, 2.2 lbs. Ounces = pounds, pounds = pain!

Thrilled that Rick is in, he booked his flights last week. He was, in many ways, the person who got this whole crazy trip started. It would have been somehow incomplete without him.

I know that I’ve rambled a bit but I also feel more comfortable in my rambling so, you may have to get used to it.

I’m travelling a lot the next couple of weeks and with L,B and Chuck in town I’m going to have to get my workouts in wherever I can. Playing golf twice in the next couple weeks will get some walking in but I need to make sure that I get some dedicated walking in as well.