Rest In Peace

A couple weeks ago, I noted the passing of a long-time friend. The day that I heard about his death, I contacted two friends who were leaving for the Camino the next day, Steve & Chris, a.k.a., The Professors. I asked them if they would carry a rock to the Cruz de Ferro in his memory, they were happy to do it. I think a piece of Texas limestone sitting on that hilltop is a perfect place to focus my memory.

Steve and Chris did this for a person that they’d never met. While I’m not a religious person, Dave was so, Steve said a prayer for him. I think Dave would have liked that, I know that I’m in their debt so deep that I will never be able to repay them but, I will continue to try.

So, for both of you, mis Amigos, from the Aleph and I paraphrase: I promise that if ever a cold wind blows through your life, I will light the fire of friendship for you.