A Two Buck Chuck Day

Today is definitely a Two Buck Chuck (TBC) kind of day.  For those of you who have no idea what Two Buck Chuck is, it is the cheap red wine, a tinto, of Spain but not as good.  It’s better in volume.  TBC comes from a store that started in California called Trader Joe’s, now owned by Aldi’s I think. They started out selling good products, often organic before it was a “thing”, cheap.  Wine was one of them.

TBC was from The Charles (Chuck) Shaw winery and it originally sold for $1.99.  Rounded up, that was $2.00 or two bucks and it all became known as Two Buck Chuck (now it’s $3 but who’s counting?).  In the US, we classify our wines by the type of grape so there’s chardonnay, shiraz, cabernet sauvignon and a pinot noir.  All known as Two Buck Chuck.

So, today is a TBC day.  Besides the ongoing CoVid-19 drama with the resulting near lock-down, yes, even Texas finally started getting more stringent, it’s also raining, as if it really makes a difference except psychologically.  Right now, I can use some help in this area, lots of stress.

On top of that, my grandchildren are acting just like 2 & 4 year old’s that don’t get to play outside enough.  I didn’t know that a 2-year-old could screech at such a high pitch…I do now.

On the bright side, we had a virtual happy hour with Leighton & Renee last night, we’re getting quite good at it (the virtual part, already good at the Happy Hour part).  It’s not the same but, it’s better than no interaction at all so, we look for new and creative outlets.  If you haven’t tried it, I encourage you to give it a shot.

I wrote on the Casa Ivar blog about our Virtual Global Camino Reunion, I think Ivar ripped me off (just kidding) as he is now hosting them on a regular basis.  The first was yesterday and another is planned next week.  Glad people are breaking out of their isolation.

As it’s not 5:00 PM/17:00, no TBC for me…yet.  I hope everyone is doing well, as well as we can anyway.  One step at a time and one foot in front of the last.  This whole thing really started with my revelation that there’s always another hill.