Lies, damned lies and statistics

Mark Twain is attributed with popularizing this phrase, the original user is not known for sure but many have been credited with it. The point of the phrase is that numbers are a powerful tool to an argument, especially one that is weak on facts. So, here’s another dose of a weak argument using statistics to bolster a case.

I have for a long time wondered how come my t-shirts always seemed to be inside out after a wash/dry cycle. First I thought that it was just my imagination but at 63, I’ve turned a lot of shirts right-side out over the years and it was just too evident that something was amiss, T-Shirt Magic I’ll call it.

So, over the last several months I’ve conducted extensive research and non-peer reviewed “scientific” research with my associate, Ariel (she’s a cat). Here’s the results of our research. (This is heady stuff so pay attention)

The sample size (N) was 40 t-shirts of all types mostly cotton or a cotton blend but also some of my synthetic rapid dry Camino shirts as well. My methodology was to put 40 shirts over several weeks through the wash/dry cycle. First, all the shirts were right-side out. Next sampling, all the shirts were inside-out. The last test, the shirts were in whatever configuration they came out of the clothes hamper.

The results were interesting and I think both beautiful and perfect (to quote President Ass Clown).

Of the 40 shirts that started right-side out, only 18 (45%) came out the same way and 22 (55%) were inside out.

Of the 40 shirts that started inside-out, 17 (42.5%) came out right-side out and 23 (57.5%) remained inside-out.

Finally, of the random selection, 15 (37.5%) were right-side out and 25 (62.5%) were inside-out.

Now, I know what you’re saying and it’s not Wow! that’s ground breaking work you’ve done. No, it’s more like “who cares?” and/or, “you need a life”. You’re probably right but, next time you think that your shirts are always inside out after a wash/dry cycle don’t think you’re crazy because the statistics support your belief. So there!

I hope in these stressful times this inane attempt at humor brought a smile, even if only a small one, to your face. Stay healthy!