Black Hole

It’s been a while since my last post, for the last week to ten days, I have just been in a rut.  The reality of CV-19 in Texas and the United States is becoming overwhelming for me.

In Dallas County, where I live, most people are wearing masks, to them I say thank you.  It’s probably too early to tell but, it seems that the number of infections identified per day is beginning to go down, it had peaked at over 1,200 but today, we were on the 10th day below that peak so, maybe there’s a change starting to take hold.  Masks and closing bars is a big part of that.

The disappointing thing is that too many still feel that they should not have to wear masks.  Some claim it’s their right not to, I guess they feel that it’s also their right to infect others.  There are even people that are wearing very thin mesh masks, a giant middle finger to the world.  Because there is no legal definition of what a mask/face covering is, they can get away with it.  And, still infect others.


There are people who are militant about not wearing a mask, some have physically attacked people who ask them to put a mask on.  I don’t understand how these people can be so selfish.  Of course, we have a President who encourages this type of behavior and a news channel that touts these idiots as heroes of some sort.  I wish no one ill but, if anyone deserves to get CV-19, these fools are it.  Sadly, the virus doesn’t know the difference between those of us who are doing our part and the selfish miscreants.

What got me so down was thinking about this going on for many more months.  While we are not currently under a mandatory stay at home order, those of us who are trying to do our part do stay home, a lot.  Restaurants are open and there is patio seating but the number of people who do not take CV-19 seriously and don’t wear masks or observe physical distancing make this a non-starter.  Besides, it’s summer in Dallas and temps outside are mid-90’s or 35C and humid, not great patio weather.

Not seeing friends and family is the toughest part.  Before CV-19, we saw our friends every week.  Dinner out was a regular thing.  We’ve not been to dinner out since the first weekend in March.  I feel like I’m in a minimum-security prison.

Yes, I can get outside but that’s usually alone and you’re ever cautious about your physical distancing, a cough can clear the entire area.  Not much joy their.

I realize that my fellow Americans created this problem, spurred on of course by President Ass Clown but man, it is wearing on me, and others.  Sadly, the way it’s looking, this will continue in the U.S. for months more.  That’s what is wearing me down.  So much of this could have been prevented.  Instead, I feel like I’m being sucked into a Black Hole.

Earlier this year, I created a new category, Whining, I’ll add this to that category.