President Ass Clown, A Commentary

I got up this morning and realized that it was a beautiful day and decided that I needed to get outside for a walk.  The Katy Trail now has a system where on Monday-Wednesday anyone can walk.  On Thursday and Saturday people whose last name begins with A-M can walk and those that begin with N-Z are supposed to use it on Friday and Sunday.  It probably looked good on paper but in practice it’s stupid.

If you voted for Trump or watch Fox News, stop reading now.

As I was thinking about this silly plan my mind wandered to the President and his childish and ridiculous actions.  I forgot dangerous so let’s add that too.  Notice I said the President and not my President because for the first time in my adult life the President is not my President.  He never intended to be the President of the entire United States so why do I have to claim him as my President?  He was elected because some people are just dumb, others were complacent, lazy or thought Jill Stein was a good protest vote (special thanks to this group especially).  That’s water under the bridge, come on November.

So, as many of you know, last Thursday, the Ass Clown* who occupies the White House, during one of his rambling incoherent diatribes which he calls his daily Covid-19 update suggested that disinfectants, which kill the virus (unknown) in minutes or UV light or just bright light could somehow be put into the body to kill the virus.  You can’t make this stuff up, really.  So scary that the makers of Lysol put out a statement saying don’t ingest any of they’re cleaning products.

Back in 1976, there was another virus which caused the swine flu, it was feared that it would become a pandemic.  I was at the University of Minnesota at the time and they lined us up and vaccinated thousands of people each week. 

Gerald Ford was President and I remember a picture of him, sleeve rolled up, getting his vaccination.  We call that leading, something the current occupant knows nothing about.

So, President Ass Clown, here’s your opportunity to lead.  Tomorrow, in your favorite paper, the New York Times, I hope to see a picture of you taking a big swing of Lysol with a light bulb shoved up your ass.  Please remember to remove your head first.

Until then, please stop talking.

*Ass Clown: someone who doesn’t know what the hell they are talking about, makes stupid BS comments, pisses people off, and has no idea that everyone thinks this about them. (Urban Dictionary)

One thought on “President Ass Clown, A Commentary”

  1. SO, SO, SO well said!!!! Accolades, cheers and applause. I Will be checking your other musings. Sandra sent this to me. Met you once when you snd Donny we’re working on the lake house.

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