Zoom (not the video app)

Even for me, this is way off the track but, this damn song has been going through my head since I heard it yesterday.

If you’re 55 or younger, you’ve probably never heard Zoom before, it was released in 1977 by the Commodores the lead singer is Lionel Richie, before he went solo.  I was working on a project and listening to music yesterday, I had my iPhone music set on random and up it came, I didn’t even remember that I had it.

Zoom is pure 70’s Soul/R&B with a little Funk mixed in.  It’s very smooth and very relaxing and, if you’re really unlucky, it will keep playing in your head all night long.  Oh well, I’ve had worse music playing through my head.  Very big on the dance floor back in the day, it was slow and long.

So, in the age of Covid-19, go ahead and Zoom, fly far away from here…