Home Stretch (Arzua – Pedrouzo Arca)

Arzua to O Pedrouzo was a short day for us, only about 20k and with another 5:30 start, I got in at a little after 11:00. Walking today was for the most part a breeze with the exception of a few long downhill stretches that just punished my knee.

More importantly, I focused on the things I’ve done, the people that I’ve met and how I’ll process all of this after we arrive in Santiago.

Paul, the “Camino Gangsta”.

We’re organizing a get together with as many Camino friends as we can round up, it will be a celebration and a last farewell. How can I explain this to Susan and Leah? How can I explain it to anyone who has not experienced this type of comraderry?

The he walk into Santiago tomorrow is not beautiful or particularly difficult and the weather will be cool, finally. It will be one of pride and sorrow that I had not anticipated when this all began a month ago.

I want to hug my wife and tell her I love her. I want to savor the moment with my friends and fellow Pilgrims. I want to shave and put on some different clothes, shopping may be in order.

I dont want to forget any of this but I will.