Santiago! (Pedrouzo Arca – Santiago)

We started off our final official day on the Camino Francais in an overcast and threatening sky. I thought that it was interesting that I started on day 1 under similar skies.

Our Pension in O Pedruzo was nice, plenty of space and better than we’d become accustomed to. It was s bit off the Camino but better than the alternatives.

We were out early, most very tired, the early Pilgrims truly tired and hurting, the Camino limp affecting 3 of us. The newer Pilgrims realizing that it’s harder than it seems, walking…

Paul in particular seems both weary but contemplative, that occurs on the Camino. Becky is a machine and always seems to have a smile.

No breakfast this morning and off we go into the dark. Of course there was a good morning climb, the norm for this part of the Camino. 3k in, there’s a opportunity for breakfast, we pass it up not knowing it will be 8k more before we eat.

After our walk around the airport, we are now very close to Santiago, our long sought goal. We’re all happy to be near our final destination but, we’re also sad as we know our time on the Camino is drawing to an end.

I have 2 goals, reaching Santiago and seeing Susan again and they’re both intertwined and commingled because without her, I would not have been able to do any of this.

At Monte del Gozo (Mount of Joy), you have your final chance to get your second and final Sello for the day before entering the city. The Capilla de San Marcos is staffed by volunteers from around the world who pay their own way and work really hard for several weeks, we spoke with Katherine from Mass., she was surprised by 7 Texans walking together.

As we headed into the city, the rain picked up and I was forced to put my rain gear on, fortunately, it was still very cool. I´d walked most of the day in the light mist in my shorts and t-shirt but this was more than a mist.

Almost there.

Just outside the Porto do Camino, we all paused to let our stragglers catch up, we wanted to complete our journey together. I also called Susan to let her know we were very near.

Entering the city, I tried to imagine the impression that it must have had on the early pilgrims whose journey was far more difficult than mine. What would they have seen, heard and based upon my experience, smelled.

To enter the Praza do Obradorio, you continue down a steep flight of stairs, you´re greeted with bag pipes playing and the sounds of pilgrims from around the world celebrating their accomplishment.

We all entered the Praza and I was looking for Susan who was in the middle of the Praza with Leah. I walked towards her and dropped my poles and hugged her for a long time, I´d missed her so much.

Pictures were taken, hugs exchanged, hands shaken. We immediately started looking for others that we knew. I found Steve and Chris, Chris was crying too. Yes, I said too as I was tearing up from time to time too.

One of the better days of my life and I hope that I get to experience this type of joy and sense of accomplishment again in my life. I´ll be writing more about that soon, I want to process all of these thoughts and feelings first.